
Smartsheet Date Formulas

Smartsheet date formulas are essential for managing and manipulating dates within your projects and workflows.

These functions allow you to perform calculations, automate date-related tasks, and enhance your project management efficiency.

Below is a comprehensive list of Smartsheet date formulas, their syntax, descriptions, and examples to help you make the most of your Smartsheet projects.

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Formula Syntax Description Example
DATE DATE(year, month, day) Combines values for a year, month, and day into a date. DATE(2025, 1, 17) returns 01/17/2025
DATEONLY DATEONLY(date_time) Extracts the date portion of a date/time value in a Date column. DATEONLY([Start Date Time])
DAY DAY(date) Returns the day of the month, 1–31, from a date. DAY("2025-01-17") returns 17
MONTH MONTH(date) Returns the month number from a date, 1–12. MONTH("2025-01-17") returns 1
TIME TIME(time_value, [format], [precision]) Creates a time object from a compatible value, displayed in 12 or 24-hour format. TIME("14:30") returns 2:30 PM
TODAY TODAY() Returns today’s date. TODAY() returns the current date
NETWORKDAY NETWORKDAY(start_date, end_date, [holidays]) Returns the number of working days between two dates, adding 1 if the start date is a non-working day. NETWORKDAY("2025-01-01", "2025-01-10", [Holiday])
NETWORKDAYS NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays]) Returns the number of working days between two dates. NETWORKDAYS("2025-01-01", "2025-01-10", [Holiday])
NETDAYS NETDAYS(start_date, end_date) Returns the number of days from a start date to an end date. NETDAYS("2025-01-01", "2025-01-10") returns 9
WEEKDAY WEEKDAY(date) Returns a number representing the day of the week, 1–7, where Sunday equals 1. WEEKDAY("2025-01-17") returns 6 (Friday)
WEEKNUMBER WEEKNUMBER(date) Returns a number representing the week of the year, 1–53, where 1 is the first week in the year. WEEKNUMBER("2025-01-17") returns 3
WORKDAY WORKDAY(date, num_days, [holidays]) Returns a date from a specified number of working days. WORKDAY("2025-01-01", 10, [Holiday])
YEAR YEAR(date) Returns the year from a date as a four-digit number. YEAR("2025-01-17") returns 2025
YEARDAY YEARDAY(date) Returns a number representing the day in the year, 1–365, where 1 is the first day of the year. YEARDAY("2025-01-17") returns 17

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